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AI and Climate Change: The Mixed Impact Of Machine Learning

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As machine learning becomes more advanced, its impact on climate change is becoming more apparent. This episode explores the mixed impact of AI on climate change and hindrance in our fight against this global issue.

Climate change is a pressing issue for people worldwide, but artificial intelligence could be the key to helping save our environment. AI is applying the power of machine learning to finding patterns in data that can help spot trends. Some of AI's other functions around image and object recognition, conversational assistants and autonomous systems are also helping to shift the tide in the battle against climate change. At the same time, AI's energy consumption is high. Data centers are critical for storing the large amounts of data needed to power AI systems, but demand a huge amount of energy. In addition, training advanced artificial intelligence systems, including deep learning models, can require high-powered GPUs to run for days at a time.

AI and Climate Change: The Mixed Impact Of Machine Learning

AI and Climate Change: The Mixed Impact Of Machine Learning

