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Do You Need More Algae, Not Less?

Did You Know

Do you need more algae, not less? Algae are often seen as a nuisance, but they play an important role in our ecosystem. Listen to listen more.

Ocean algae absorb one-quarter to a third of global CO2 emissions every year. But all algae do this even if they aren't in the ocean, so no matter what it's used for, growing algae captures CO2. And humans have been using algae for thousands of years. From Ireland, a type called Irish moss is used worldwide as the food additive carrageenan. Algae also helped people there survive the Great Famine of the 1840s. Today, algae aquaculture is most well-developed in Asia, where it makes up a large part of the cuisine. It can also be in toothpaste, cosmetics, and medication. Growing algae for these products capture CO2, but greenhouse gas reduction is not the main aim.

Do You Need More Algae, Not Less?

Do You Need More Algae, Not Less?

