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How Junk Mails Can Impact Environment?

Did You Know

Most people don't think twice about the junk mail that fills up their mailbox every day. But did you know that this seemingly innocuous daily habit can have a major impact on the environment?

Junk mail inks have high concentrations of heavy metals, making the paper difficult to recycle. They aren’t just hurting the environment; also hurting people too. Because junk mail isn't just catalogues and coupons. Sometimes, they're downright scams aimed at stealing your money or your identity These scams often target elderly people with deceptive offers that are too good to be true. Junk mail is a big business and your name and address are worth big money. There's a whole industry dedicated to collecting and selling your information. Companies buy your data and send you their catalogues in the hope that you'll buy their stuff.

How Junk Mails Can Impact Environment?

How Junk Mails Can Impact Environment?

