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Why Bloggers Need To Stop Fast Fashion Haul?

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If you love fashion, but hate the impact it has on the environment, then this episode is for you. Find out why bloggers need to stop Fast Fashion Haul and start promoting sustainable fashion instead. Listen the episode now to learn more.

Every YouTube homepage has become flooded with the same exhausting content these days: fast fashion hauls. A typical shopping trip unbagging is one thing, but these videos from high level influencers flaunt hundreds of dollars in cheap merchandise from garment websites When it comes to fast fashion, the problem is not primarily the casual customers or those buying within their price range. The problem is big influencers who make six-digits (or more) and continue to promote businesses they have the means to opt-out of.

Why Bloggers Need To Stop Fast Fashion Haul?

Why Bloggers Need To Stop Fast Fashion Haul?

