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B-Droid: Robotic Bees The Key to Brighter Tomorrow

Emerging Technologies

B-Droid Robotic Bees are the key to a brighter tomorrow. These little robots are helping to pollinate crops, keep the ecosystem healthy. Listen to learn more about how they're making big impact on the world.

Robotic bees can go around and pollinate flowers while the actual bees don’t need to travel long distances and can relax in their homes. Robots don’t get tired easily either so they can pollinate 10 times more efficiently than bees. The more recent B-droid is small in size and it has a camera that scans the area around it to check for flowers. When a flower is spotted, the droid brushes against it, and the pollen grains get stuck to the body of the droid. The robot then scans for other flowers and transfers the pollen grains thereby doing the same work as a bee but faster and more efficiently.

B-Droid: Robotic Bees The Key to Brighter Tomorrow

B-Droid: Robotic Bees The Key to Brighter Tomorrow

