Everything You Need To Know About V2X Technology
Future of Mobility
V2X technology is one such system that allows vehicles to communicate with each other and with infrastructures like traffic lights and road signs. This episode explains everything you need to know about V2X technology.
The world is full of confusing acronyms, and unfortunately this one a biggie. Vehicle-to-everything, it is an all-encompassing term for a vehicle’s connected communications. The overall idea is that a vehicle is able, or will be able to, use its on-board communication tools to deliver real-time traffic information, preemptively react to changing road conditions, recognize road signs and warnings, and more. While vehicle-to-everything functions alone won’t be able to manage a vehicle without a driver on board, they are important building blocks in an autonomous vehicle’s ability to piece together a picture of its environment. Within the vehicle-to-everything stable, there are several other “vehicle-to” points of interest.

Everything You Need To Know About V2X Technology