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A Game-Changing Way To Create Hydrocarbons

What We Can't Sea

Are you interested in a game-changing way to create hydrocarbons? Then you need to listen to this episode, It details a new, environmentally friendly method for creating these essential molecules.

Hydrocarbons – molecules made up of only hydrogen and carbon atoms – are the key components of oil and natural gas, which currently power our energy grid. However, the supply of oil and natural gas is not unlimited. There is a finite amount in the ground, and while the supply hasn’t come close to running out, energy companies have begun to rely on more complicated, expensive methods to extract it. The main reason oil and natural gas supply is limited is that hydrocarbons typically form slowly under intense heat and pressure. Organic material in the ocean sinks to the seafloor and is subsequently buried. Over millions of years, that organic material is buried deeper and deeper into the Earth, where it’s heated and pressurized.

A Game-Changing Way To Create Hydrocarbons

A Game-Changing Way To Create Hydrocarbons

