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Are Mangroves Crucial To The Survival Of Our Planet?

What We Can't Sea

Mangroves are crucial to the survival of our planet. Listen to this episode to learn more about why mangroves are so important, and what we can do to protect them.

Shrimp aquaculture is affecting coastal ecosystems worldwide, but what is less known is how this industry is changing the lives of those living at this interface. Mangrove forests represent one of the primary ecosystems impacted by shrimp farming and it is estimated that 38% of mangrove forests globally were destroyed due to this industry. In South America, Ecuador is experiencing these industrial and ecosystem changes, and is now one of the largest shrimp exporters, making it an ideal location to study the effects of shrimp aquaculture on mangrove loss. Importantly, shrimp farming has not only destroyed mangrove forests but the livelihoods of many Ecuadorians living in this region, known as marine-dependent communities.

Are Mangroves Crucial To The Survival Of Our Planet?

Are Mangroves Crucial To The Survival Of Our Planet?

