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Could Marine Heatwaves Cause Extinction Of Sea Turtles On Diego Garcia Island

What We Can't Sea

Could Diego Garcia's sea turtles be headed for extinction? If we don't act now, these beautiful creatures could be gone forever. Listen to learn more and find out what you can do to help.

Senses are vital to know if something can be eaten or not. We rely on visuals, smells, taste and even touch to decide if we want to try a new dish or not. Seabirds and fishes also need their senses to feed, such as needing to see their prey to capture it. Knowing how living organisms rely on their senses to feed is extremely important to understanding how changes in the environment will affect them. In the case of seabirds, an increase in oceanic turbidity might be making their meals more difficult to spot. We are all aware of how climate change is modifying the world and its characteristics. One of its consequences is the increase in water turbidity due to changes in wave action.

Could Marine Heatwaves Cause Extinction Of Sea Turtles On Diego Garcia Island

Could Marine Heatwaves Cause Extinction Of Sea Turtles On Diego Garcia Island

