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Could Orcas Be Returned To The Wild?

What We Can't Sea

For years, orcas have been captured and held in captivity for entertainment purposes. But could these majestic creatures one day be returned to the wild? LIsten now to learn more.

In recent years, increased shipping traffic has impacted orca behaviour. Since orcas use sound to communicate and echolocation for navigation, high levels of marine noise pollution can disrupt feeding, social and other behaviors, and in turn, impact their chances of survival. While orcas face pressure from marine noise pollution, they are also at risk from other human activities, such as overfishing and habitat degradation. In response to these threats, some scientists and policy makers have proposed the idea of creating an “acoustic refugia” where orcas and other marine mammals are protected from disruptive anthropogenic activities.

Could Orcas Be Returned To The Wild?

Could Orcas Be Returned To The Wild?

