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Eelgrass Mystery: Has It Already Adapted To Warmer Waters

What We Can't Sea

Eelgrass is a vital part of the marine ecosystem, but it's disappearing. Has it already adapted to warmer waters? This episode dives into the eelgrass mystery to find out.

In today’s changing world, biodiversity is threatened by many different stressors, such as climate change, pollution, and species invasions. For example, climate change might be making some species’ environments warmer than they are adapted to tolerate. For a species to persist in the face of threats such as climate change, they must have what ecologists call “resiliency”. Species resiliency refers to the capacity of a species to respond to a disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly.

Eelgrass Mystery: Has It Already Adapted To Warmer Waters

Eelgrass Mystery: Has It Already Adapted To Warmer Waters

