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Mysterious Ocean Time Series Sheds Light On New Insights Into Carbon Export

What We Can't Sea

The ocean is a mysterious place, and scientists are only beginning to understand all of its complexities. This episode dives into the data to explore what it can tell us about the health of planet.

The ocean covers 70% of Earth’s surface and plays a major role in regulating climate. One of the primary ways the ocean does this is through absorbing excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, produced from human generated sources such as the combustion of fossil fuels, cement production, and deforestation. It is estimated that approximately 30% of this atmospheric Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean. Carbon export is defined as when atmospheric Carbon dioxide is absorbed, it is transported to the deep ocean through a suite of biological processes.

Mysterious Ocean Time Series Sheds Light On New Insights Into Carbon Export

Mysterious Ocean Time Series Sheds Light On New Insights Into Carbon Export

