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Super Hero Alert: Forest Fires Could Be Controlled With Help From Ocean

What We Can't Sea

Forest Fires Could Be Controlled With Help From Ocean. This episode explores how ocean water could be used to control forest fires.

Forest fires are a common natural hazard globally, prevalent in regions with low rainfall and humidity, such as northern Australia, western North America, and central Africa. These fires can be more severe and occur in areas with few historical fires with the changing climate. Severe fires often have disastrous impacts, including pollution, warming, loss of lives and economy, and changes to the ecosystem. The Australian Forest fires that burned from September 2019 to March 2020 attracted international attention. The fires affected an area roughly equal to half the size of Greenland the northern and eastern regions of Australia.

Super Hero Alert: Forest Fires Could Be Controlled With Help From Ocean

Super Hero Alert: Forest Fires Could Be Controlled With Help From Ocean

